Miami Dade Approved bi fold door with up to 10 panels. Outswing panels featuring a 2 point locking system in each folding door, and a 3 point locking system in the active door.
Standard Frame Color
Standard Glass Color
Dimensions & Performance
Aditional Features
Heavy-gauge aluminum T6 alloy
2 1/2”, 4 1/4” with 1” colonial muntins
Dimensions & Performance
Frame Depth: 4”
Maximum Width Size: 390 1/2”
Maximum Height Size: 108”
Design Pressure: +60/-60 psf
7/16” HS/HS
Florida product approval: large missile impact
Miami-Dade approved: large & small missile impact
Aditional Features
Up to 10 panels
Outswing configuration
2-point locking system in each folding door, 3-point locking system in active door
1/2” Commercial saddle (ADA) or 2 1/8” residential bumper threshold